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Jura MacLean Sherwood was born in London, England. She was seven years old in 1940 when she was evacuated to South Africa where she stayed for over five years. At the age of eighteen, in search of adventure, she enlisted in the Women’s Royal Air Force.


She, and her American born husband have lived all over the United States from California to Alaska and Washington, D.C. to Washington State.Their last assignment was four years in Saudi Arabia.


While raising her four children Jura pursued her avocation of genealogy, earning a Professional Certificate in Genealogical Research from Brigham Young University.


Jura, and her husband of almost 55 years, live in Phoenix, Oregon where she writes historical fiction and teaches genealogy.   

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I was named for the island of Jura off the west coast of Scotland. Each of my five sisters and one brother are also named for Hebridian islands
